Create a Simple Fall Centerpiece on a Budget

I’ve really been itching for Fall this year. More than usual. I don’t know if it’s because we have had such a long, hot summer or because we have been cooped up due to COVID. Whatever the reason, I found myself looking around my yard to see what I could pull together on the cheap and in the name of Fall Decor. It didn’t take me long to find my inspiration.

In our orchard, we have an overburdened pomegranate tree. The branches are bending low to the earth because it was not thinned properly in the Spring as it began setting fruit. We are certainly lucky we haven’t had branches breaking off due to the weight. 

As I examined it, I knew that those beautiful rusty orbs would make a stunning Fall decoration. Since they won’t be ready to harvest and eat until November-ish, it felt like it would be perfect to do a little thinning and decorating all at the same time.

After cutting off a number of these striking pomegranates using my favorite snips, I headed to my flower field to harvest the perfect accent backdrop. There is a large 7-foot stalk of hot biscuit amaranth growing in the corner that is just screaming Fall. Disclosure: This post uses affiliate links for products we use at our farm. See our disclosure and privacy policies for additional information.

After cutting some plumes, I gathered my cache and headed inside to arrange my treasures.

Old Toolbox
A few years ago I found a charming little tool box at an antique store that I knew would make the perfect vessel. I began by laying the amaranth as a base and generously spread it out to cover the bottom. I shined up the pomegranates with a little nonstick cooking spray and arranged them on top of the amaranth. 

If you don’t have a pomegranate tree or access to pomegranates, try these amazing lifelike pomegranates that would be a beautiful replacement. Likewise, if you don’t have amaranth, these protea stems would make a nice substitute. 

This centerpiece cost me nothing and I love how it turned out! By thinking outside the box and shopping my own yard and garden, I was able to pull together a charming Fall centerpiece. Look around your yard. I’m sure you have something just waiting to be discovered.